John William Godward
Godward was a Victorian Neo-classicist, and therefore a follower in theory of Frederic Leighton. However, he is more closely allied stylistically to Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, with whom he shared a penchant for the rendering of Classical architecture, in particular, static landscape features constructed from marble.
The vast majority of Godward's extant images feature women in Classical dress, posed against these landscape features, though there are some semi-nude and fully nude figures included in his oeuvre (a notable example being In The Tepidarium (1913), a title shared with a controversial Alma-Tadema painting of the same subject that resides in the Lady Lever Art Gallery). The titles reflect Godward's source of inspiration: Classical civilisation, most notably that of Ancient Rome (again a subject binding Godward closely to Alma-Tadema artistically), though Ancient Greece sometimes features, thus providing artistic ties, albeit of a more limited extent, with Leighton.
Given that Classical scholarship was more widespread among the potential audience for his paintings during his lifetime than in the present day, meticulous research of detail was important in order to attain a standing as an artist in this genre. Alma-Tadema was, as well as a painter, an archaeologist who attended historical sites and collected artefacts that were later used in his paintings: Godward, too, studied such details as architecture and dress, in order to ensure that his works bore the stamp of authenticity. In addition, Godward painstakingly and meticulously rendered those other important features in his paintings, animal skins (the paintings Noon Day Rest (1910) and A Cool Retreat (1910) contain superb examples of such rendition) and wild flowers (Nerissa (1906), illustrated above, and Summer Flowers (1903) are again excellent examples of this).
The appearance of beautiful women in studied poses in so many of Godward's canvases causes many newcomers to his works to categorise him mistakenly as being Pre-Raphaelite, particularly as his palette is often a vibrantly colourful one. However, the choice of subject matter (ancient civilisation versus, for example, Arthurian legend) is more properly that of the Victorian Neoclassicist: however, it is appropriate to comment that in common with numerous painters contemporary with him, Godward was a 'High Victorian Dreamer', producing beautiful images of a world which, it must be said, was idealised and romanticised, and which in the case of both Godward and Alma-Tadema came to be criticised as a world-view of 'Victorians in togas'. Related Paintings of John William Godward :. | Chloris A Summer Rose | With Violets Wreathed and Robe of Saffron Hue | The Jewel Casket | Idle Thoughts | A Classical Beauty | Related Artists: georg engelhardt schroderGeorg Engelhard Schröder, född den 31 maj 1684 i Stockholm, gift 1727 med Anna Brigitta Spöring, död den 17 maj 1750; konstnär, porträtt- och historiemålare.
Georg Engelhard Schröders far, Veit Engelhard, hade omkring år 1670 kommit från N??rnberg och bosatt sig i Stockholm där Georg Engelhard föddes 1684. Han blev tidigt elev hos konstnären och målaren David von Krafft (1655-1724) men lämnade honom 1703 för utlandsstudier.
Under 21 år for Georg Engelhard runt i Europa. Han vistades först en tid i Nordtyskland, innan färden gick vidare till Italien. I Venezia förblev han under fem år och kopierade gamla mästare, sysslade med vedutamåleri och hade kontakt med pastellmålarinnan Rosalba Carriera (1675-1757). I Roma tog han intryck av barockmålarna Carlo Dolci (1616-1686), Carlo Maratta (1625-1713), Francesko Trevisani (1656-1746) m.fl. och tillägnade sig det raska men ytliga framställningssätt, som tillhörde den tidens italienska konst. I Paris samlade han impulser hos den franske målaren Noel Nicolas Coypel (1690-1734). Reminiscenser av den italienska och franska konsten kan man påträffa flerstädes i hans kompositioner. I London stannade han i sju år och tog starka intryck av Godfrey Knellers (1646-1723) och Dahls porträttkonst.
När Daniel von Krafft avled 1724 kallades Georg Engelhard Schröder hem till Sverige och efterträdde i december sin gamle läromästare som kunglig hovkonterfejare. Som sådan uppbar han lön. Konung Fredrik I satte stort värde på sin konterfejare, och lät honom måla otaliga porträtt av sig och sin drottning Ulrika Eleonora. År 1745 utnämndes han till hovintendent. Georg Engelhard anlitades mycket och samlade ihop en betydande förmögenhet. På 1740-talet nåddes Sverige av den nya franska smaken, i främsta rummet via konstnären Gustaf Lundberg (1695-1786), varvid Georg Engelhard kom att skjutas åt sidan. Han representerade i Sveriges 1700-talsmåleri sista skedet i det italienska inflytandet.
Långt ifrån den förnämste, var dock Georg Engelhard en av sin tids mest uppburne målare. Han arbetade inom ett vitt fält: utförde kyrktavlor, allegorier, historiska motiv och porträtt. Hans arbeten har ej sällan någonting vacklande och obestämt, vilket i förening med mycken ojämnhet i utförandet gör många av dem mindre tilltalande för konstkännaren. Han har dock efterlämnat verk, som vittnar om, att han, när han allvarligt uppbjöd sin förmåga, var mäktig till både varm och djup uppfattning samt hade stor skicklighet i färgbehandling och i framställningens enskildheter. TIZIANO VecellioItalian painter, Venetian school (b. 1490, Pieve di Cadore, d.
1576, Venezia). Giovanni Antonio Canal (28 October 1697 - 19 April 1768) better known as Canaletto, was a Venetian painter famous for his landscapes, or vedute, of Venice. He was also an important printmaker in etching.
He was born in Venice as the son of the painter Bernardo Canal, hence his mononym Canaletto ("little Canal"), and Artemisia Barbieri. His nephew and pupil Bernardo Bellotto was also an accomplished landscape painter, with a similar painting style, and sometimes used the name "Canaletto" to advance his own career, particularly in countrieseGermany and Polandewhere his uncle was not active.